Feb 28, 2025 | Devotions
Would they win by arguing? Never, a small-town leader warned residents in Adirondack Park where a pitched battle between environmentalists and small-business owners ignited the “Adirondack Wars.” The name described their fight whether to save the...Feb 27, 2025 | Devotions
What do we do? Scott and Bree agonized over how to relate to friends and family members who’d chosen unbiblical ways of life. As they studied the Scriptures and prayed, a path forward emerged: First, they reinforced their love for their friends and loved ones;...Feb 26, 2025 | Devotions
On a five-hour flight, a woman vigorously crocheted a sweater. As she moved her hook in and out of her yarn, she noticed a five-month-old baby who was mesmerized by her motions. Then the woman got an idea: instead of finishing the sweater she was working on, she would...Feb 25, 2025 | Devotions
When Lydia was gifted ten thousand dollars by anonymous donors, she spent little of it on herself. Instead she gave generous gifts to coworkers, family, flood victims, and charities. Lydia, unbeknownst to her, was part of a study following how two hundred people...Feb 24, 2025 | Devotions
While I stood watching the amazing power of the Niagara Falls, I noticed that other tourists suddenly began taking photos. Looking in the same direction where they were focused, I saw a rainbow had appeared—arching across the river. It seemed to begin at the...
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